We Drive U
Australia’s premium Discrete Designated Driver service.
We drive YOUR car with you & your family, and your guests, home safely.
No messing around in the morning collecting your car…..
– it is home with you.
Discretion is our aim.
Operating Area
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & Gold Coast
NOTE: Bookings times are for NSW & Vic
Queensland Booking times close one hour earlier during Daylight Savings
SMS or phone
SMS 0411 301 301 with your request
(Sydney time)
Sunday to Wednesday
2:30pm – 10pm
Thursday to Saturday
2:00pm – 11pm
An SMS outside of these hours will be responded to as soon as possible
365 days a year
We drive YOUR car
*6am – *2am when booked during the Booking Hours
Other times by arrangement
* For a Driver between 11:40pm & 3pm – Bookings must be made before 10pm.
Between 10am & 2pm After Hours Support may be able to assign a Driver.
Driver assignments will not occur between 11:59pm & 10am.
Why Choose Us
Our drivers are discrete, experienced professionals with impeccable driving histories.
We will ensure your car, and you, arrive home safely and discretely.
Reliable Teams
We have discrete drivers ready to respond to your booking.
Automatic or manual – Hyundai to Rolls Royce – our Drivers are experienced, capable, well presented, on time and will drive your vehicle with care.
Extended Service
Need your vehicle picked up or taken to a mechanic workshop? We can have it serviced, detailed and returned to you.
Interlock fitting required? We will drive you in your car to get it fitted.
Best Prices
Our pricing is competitive and our discrete service goes well beyond the average ride home.
Quick Support
Our discrete drivers work when you need us.
– sms your request for expediency
– or call us
– or book online.

We take care of your ride.
The “We Drive U” concept – We provide a Discrete Driver for YOUR vehicle. We can take just your car home or take you and your guests home in your car. We can arrange for our co-drivers to take extra passengers where necessary.
You drive your own car to the event – We Drive U and your car home safely!
Our Services
Our experienced Discrete Drivers are available for the service you require.
Getting your car, and you, home after a few drinks or a family get-together. Or collecting your car from a service and taking it to you.
There is no limit to the breadth of services we provide – if you need a discrete driver for your car, we are there for you.
With over 100 professional discrete drivers.
Completed Journeys
Corporate Clients
Happy Customers
News & Testimonial
Getting me home safely (and discretely) when I need my licence and car for my work is all the motivation I need to contact We Drive U.
No nasty loss of licence or interlock machines for me!
– Bob Wilson, Wilsons Mechanics
2022 Website
Welcome to our existing customers and new customers alike. We have a new website and a more streamlined set of processes to make booking a breeze.